Ziyuan Ouyang
Work unit: Chinese Academy of Sciences; Chief Scientist of Chinas Lunar Exploration Project; President of Chinese Society of Space Research; Vice President of Chinese Society of Mineralogy Title of Publications and Articles: Published seminal research on meteorites, planetary evolution and lunar geological studies in d...
Cheng Sun
Work unit: Executive Chairman, China branch of world productivity Federation of science and technology Chief scientist, Beijing world science and technology research and Development Center for productivity Title of Publications and Articles: More than 20 important papers were published. Rural science experiment , imbal...
Tingyun Kuang
Tingyun Kuang Work unit: Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences;President of Chinese Society of Botany Title of Publications and Articles: By October 2013, Tingyun Kuang had published more than 400 papers in China and abroad Publication of monographs / patents: 2003.12 Principle and Regulation of Primary Ligh...